
  1. Look around the home page and talk about what you think the site is about: What can you do here? Who is this site for? What’s unique about it? Talk about your first impressions.
  2. Does this company appear to have the things that elicit trust and confidence in you? Would you consider purchasing from this site if this were not a test?
  3. Select a product and add it to cart and then go through the checkout process using fake credit card information. Please do not actually submit your order.
  4. Talk about anything that gets in your way throughout the shopping and checkout process, making it more difficult than it should be.


  1. What frustrated you most about this site?
  2. If you had a magic wand, how would you improve this site?
  3. What did you like about the site?
  4. How likely are you to recommend this site to a friend or colleague (0=Not at all likely, and 10=Very Likely)?