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Email Template: Big Money Customer Feedback

By July 10, 2016July 5th, 2018No Comments

Thanks for checking out our email templates for getting big money customer feedback. If you’re not already signed up for our email list (where we send you awesome content like this every week), you can sign up here.

Email Template: Recent Customer Feedback

Instructions for this template:

  1. Grab the email addresses for your last 100 customers. Don’t have 100 customers? Use what you have.
  2. Pop them into your email software, and send them this email. Don’t forget to swap out the [placeholders] with actual content, that would be embarrassing.

Copy this section:

Hi [first name],

Thank you for signing up for [product name]. You’re well on your way to [main product benefit]. Would you mind answering this one quick question for us?

What is the #1 reason you chose to purchase [product name]?

Simply hit “reply” and let me know.

We ask because we always want to be sure we’re delivering exactly what our customers need. Your feedback will be treated like gold.

Thanks so much,

[name, company]

Email Template: Abandoned Customer Feedback

Instructions for this template:

  1. Grab the email addresses for your last 100 cart abandoners (or if you have a SaaS business, grab a list of people who’ve started a free trial but not converted.)
  2. Pop them into your email software, and send them this email. Don’t forget to swap out the [placeholders] with actual content, that would be embarrassing.

Copy this section:

Hi [first name],

I noticed that you didn’t [desired action]. Would you mind answering this one quick question for us?

What is the #1 reason you didn’t chose to purchase [product name]?

Simply hit “reply” and let me know.

Your feedback will be treated like gold.

Thanks so much,

[name, company]

Ok, Now what?

When the responses start rolling in analyze them for high emotion words like; love, hate, afraid, never, always, etc. The responses to these emails are the exact reasons why your website visitors buy or abandon your site. Next time you’re in a meeting and everyone is spouting off with opinions of why they think people are abandoning your site, you can look like a data-driven badass when you whip out these customer insights.

Josh Frank

Author Josh Frank

Founder & Head of Optimization

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